Visitor: 4-point Calvinists like Bruce Ware affirm 'multiple intentions' for the atonement, all shared symmetrically within the Trinity. The Father employs election and preterition, the Son atones generally and redeems particularly, and the Spirit calls both effectually and non-effectually (or something to that effect). No disharmony in that economy.
Response: 5 point Calvinists have always acknowledged multiple intentions, if you include non-redemptive benefits. But the debate on this issue has always been about REDEMPTIVE benefits. That is why it is called PARTICULAR REDEMPTION. .I.e.. Christ died REDEMPTIVELY for the elect only. That has always historically been what is at issue in this debate ..
Here is an historical example showing Jonathan Edwards (a five point Calvinist) on particular redemption which shows that he affirms, together with traditional Calvinists through history. both redemptive and non redemptive benefits related to Christ's work: